Friday, February 21, 2014


Last year, on New Year's, I bleached the crap out of my brunette hair on a whim. It initially turned a horrendous shade of Magic School Bus yellow, and I had to walk around looking like a had one of Lady Gaga's reject wigs glued to my head. Thankfully, through the magic of extra bleach, neutral blonde hair dye, and purple shampoo I was able to salvage a rather pretty shade of blonde out of that mess, if I do say so myself. Anyway, while I thoroughly enjoyed being a blonde, the maintenance was a pain in the ass. So, outside of purple shampoo, I let my roots grow out, giving me a sort of two-toned, maybe-ombre-could-be-dip-dye-who-knows, type of look. Honestly, I didn't think it looked bad. But I was bored with it! I needed a new look.

So today I dyed my hair purple. Yep! Like purple purple. Like Katy Perry worthy purple. Welp, only over the blonde parts, anyway. I used a jar of Manic Panic's Purple Haze in the amplified version. I let the dye sit for about two hours before rinsing it out. And I have to say, I am pleased with the results! My roommate said I looked like a rock star. I feel like one!

It is a tad darker then I anticipated, but literally every single instruction website I visited warned that purple fades quickly, so I'm hoping it'll fade into a softer, medium, purple within a few washes. But for now, I am enjoying hella purple hurr.


In other news, today is National Margarita Day, so me and my girls went out and enjoyed some tasty margaritas! If you haven't gotten one yet today....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. Get out there and have a drink, you deserve it!

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