Sunday, January 19, 2014

To Start This Off

I am so bad at introductions. The prospect of making new friends has always been an appealing one, but initial contact has always been a struggle for me. Upon meeting someone, I honestly can never decided if they are need of a hug, handshake, or just an acknowledging nod, and I absolutely incapable of picking the right one. Furthermore, I have been cursed with a sort of cautionary politeness that hinders me from expressing my true personality from the get go; I have to gauge if the person will appreciate my crude sense of humor and will not be easily offended before I can safely nestle back into my repertoire of immature sex jokes, sarcasm, and just lots of dumb shit that will inevitably come out of my mouth.

What I am trying to say is; hi. Hello. Welcome to my blog. I hope you like it. If you didn't already guess from my incessant ramblings in the previous paragraph, this blog will be one that lacks direction. The real point of this is to get me writing, keep me productive in my free time, and channel my interests. And I have a lot of interests, so when I decided that I wanted to start a blog I couldn't choose one to focus on. Therefore, I'm just going to pick them all. I like clothes, I like makeup, and I really like eating. I like movies and TV shows, particularly animated ones, because at the age of twenty-one I still have the mentality of a ten year-old. On the topic of being twenty-one, I enjoy a good drink or two, and by good I mean anything that won't drain my bank account and will get me drunk in under an hour. I am a college student living a faux-bougie lifestyle, meaning I like to spend money, but then openly hate myself for it later. I occasionally read books and scientific articles because I am a wannabe intellectual. I am also particularly fond of talking about things - and people - that I hate, because I am terrible and because it's fun.

So if any of the interests that I listed above match yours, I hope you'll stick around, because I tend for this blog to feature all of these things. While I have to admit, I question my ability to stay dedicated to this (like the bulk of my generation, I can't deny that I am notorious for giving up on projects that do not reward me with good grades or money) but I do have lots of bizarre thoughts that I want to share.

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